Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 134 of Thanksgiving...

Today I am so very Thankful for Mirrors!  I know this sounds petty and silly but bear with me.  Today I went out with hubby to dinner with two of the kids.  On our way to the restaurant we stopped off at a Stein~Mart so that I could pick up a sweater as I was wearing a sleeveless dress and I thought I might get chilly.  The dress I was wearing was a simple one that I found in perfect condition at Good Will for six bucks - so exciting.  I had a little blush of color, which I rarely have, thanks to our day at the beach yesterday.  Yep - I was feeling pretty good about myself as I perused the racks and quickly found the perfect lightweight sweater which happened to be 30% off - Score!  As I made my way around the store checking out a few purses and in search of a more comfortable pair of inexpensive shoes, I caught sight of a heavy set older woman out of the corner of my eye.  Argh - I thought, I am so glad that I am losing weight and feeling better about myself and I am looking good.  As I kept moving I noticed that she was coming toward me - what??  Is she smiling at my shock and disdain, the woman was ME!!!  There was a full length mirror propped up against a dress rack and I was looking dead straight into my startled face - old, heavy set and not looking at all like I had imagined!!  Now you may say this is depressing but I chose to see this as a reality check and sort of what my Momma would call a comeuppance!  I was getting way ahead of myself thinking that just because I have lost a few pounds, and I am talking single digits here, that I was so special and better than some frump that was actually me.  Lesson learned - we are all working through stages and at different places in life - no judgements and no put downs!!  We are what we are and we have to love ourselves honestly as well as others.  Oh and maybe I do need to get some bifocals soon!!

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