Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 139 of Thanksgiving....

Today I am so very Thankful for the Happiness of My Children!  As a parent, they say you can only be as happy as your least happy child.  I would agree with that and add that the older our children get, the harder it is to deal with their unhappiness.  I truly can think of nothing more heart wrenching than when one of my boys is in pain and hurting - physically, mentally or otherwise.  When they are adults, we are so powerless to ease their pain or fix the wrongs for them and that helplessness is an ache in the gut that is like no other.  I am an anxious worry wart when there is something amiss with one of them and I can't wrangle my thoughts to anything else until I know for myself that they are better.  When they are all doing well and happy, or at least okay, then I am one Happy Momma.  I am so very thankful for those times!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 138 of Thanksgiving....

Today I am so very Thankful for Seeing things through the eyes of my children.  One of the most joyful parts of being a parent is seeing life through our children as they grow and learn.  All things become new again to us and we are amazed at every day things just because they are.  We learn to see the simplicity in life again.  My youngest - my baby boy (he hates that) is now 17 and is doing all of those once in a lifetime things that you never forget.  He had his senior pictures taken today and he looked so handsome in the tux prop they provided for the picture.  He allowed me to come along and I so enjoyed seeing him pose with ease and the smile on his face when the photographer made mention of his curls and gently tucked them back into place.  I was very inept in high school, clumsy and uncomfortable with myself and I didn't enjoy anything like this. I still remember his first day of preschool, when his teacher told the class a story, she later told me that he said Good Job and gave her a thumbs up when she was finished.   As my boys have grown and matured, it has given me great joy to see them navigate their way through these firsts and actually be able to enjoy them.  I hope they will have wonderful memories of these times when they are old and white haired like me.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 137 of Thanksgiving

Today I am so very Thankful for Reboots!  Not so much the ones your computer needs, although those are necessary as well.  I am thinking about the times in our lives when we get a boost, a restart to begin again.  There are lots of reasons for reboots in life and many times when they are crucial.  In my life I have had a few strong reboots that literally saved me and kept me on track in life.  The loss of a job, a divorce, and even sometimes the loss of a loved one, can become a starting point for growth and enlightenment.  Many times we are blessed with a new perspective and as the old saying goes, when that door closes, a window will very surely pop open where there was none before.  We just have to be aware and looking for the opportunity.